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What is Google AdSense

google adsense, ad network, how to grow own website

Google AdSense simply means a product which is provided by Google AdWord to show advertisement on your website and blogs through different medium of media like photos, vidoes, etc which help the developer of site to promote and target audience of search website ranking and help for promotion. We can generate revenue from such things by per-click or on per-impression basis. It is basically a triangle based program which include AdChoice on website and it is also help to operate in HTTP cookies. Goolge AdSense is basically used by 14.3 million users. We can also show our advertisements of other persons blogs and website but for that you have to make your own advertisement. Google AdSense is developed by Google and it is initially released on 18 June 2003.

It is very much successful for users how use more content in comparison to high coding or heavy file contents which makes long time for opening of files in comparison of full and less coding content files. Some users not only depend of online advertisement to promote there blogs or website content they use other things to like attractive and knowledgeable contents to attract visitors to click on websites to earn revenue from click-per cost of advertisement and per-impression of visitors visiting on your blogs or website.

Properties of AdSense, Mansi, ads network

Types of Google AdSense

It simply means format and ways of writing and information available in your content which attract visitors to visit your website or blog again and again due to your content attractive to the visitors. This helps to generate revenue from content which can be done by Click Per Cost(CPC) or Cost per thousand impression(CMP), both helps in promoting of blog or website but the only different in both is Cost Per Click is just based on click but Cost per thousand impression not just based on impression or views of customers but actually based on scale of thousands which is large scale impression because of this CPC is more required able and popular now a days and also in demand.
There are various ad sizes available for content ads which can be simple text, image, animated image, etc. In every place users can change whether to show both text and multimedia ads or just one of them. A grey arrow appears beneath AdSense text ads for easier identification on November 2012. Google had made an updation in policy regarding the number of ads per page that only three ads per page limit has been removed.

It help publisher to develop ads related to search results which helps to generate revenue of 51%. AdSense results can be shown at the time of displayed either alongside the results or alongside internal search results through the use of Custom Search Ads which is only available to white-listed publishers. Through revenue share from AdSense for Search (51%) is less than from AdSense for Content (68%) more returns can be achieved due to the potentiality of higher Click on Rates.

It help publishers to generate revenue in video content by providing ads in their videos using ads placement. It provide publisher to publish ads according to them which is on linear basis( which is post-roll or pre-roll of ads). Publishers can also display companion ads that is display ads that run alongside video content outside the player. Running video content within a player and not for YouTube publishers.
Link units 
They are targeted to the interest of your users due users direct interaction with ad unit because users are more interested in the ads they see. Publishers are paid for clicks on the ads that are linked to the related topics not for clicks on the initial topics and ads on the linked page are pay-per-click Google ads.

Discontinued Types of AdSense

Mobile Content 
It  allow publishers to AdSense for mobile content generate earnings from their mobile website using targeted Google advertisements like AdSense for content, Google matches advertisements to the content of a website instead of using technologies such as Java and Objective-C are used. On February 2012, AdSense for Mobile Content was converted into the core AdSense for better reflection of less content separation between mobile content and desktop.

It help to shown advertisements on domain name which are not develop and help domain name publishers to earn money from their domain name which are not in use. Google Adsense is currently available for all but not always available to all but According to US technology it is available to all US publishers. But on 22 February 2012 Google announced that they are closing Hosting  AdSense for domain programs.


On May 2005, google published a beta version of AdSense for Feeds for limited participation. This version runs on RSS and Atom Feed which have more then 100 subscribers. As per Official Google Blogs all blogs are placed are a well manner area where payment will be made to your blogs content, long way run and quality are to be seen by readers. It is also used for inserting images into a feed. When images are placed by RSS google writes on it and that returns the feed, contents of advertisements has been chosen by the user which are written around the image when users click on the image as the similar of regular AdSense advertisement. Till 15 August 2008 feed program is available in beta version till all users got AdSense approval after that feed program is closed on 3 December, 2012.

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