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What is On-Page SEO? How to do setting of On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO is the guide to designed to help beginners optimize element on on-page of their web page and get most possible out site worrying about getting links. Internal linking is a process where website navigates, content and link able elements to develop a logical and coherent linked structure emphasize keywords for website to rank.
It creates a topic hierarchy assist search engine better value to content. Internal links help to push link value from homepage deeper into your website that translates into ability of secondary pages.
SEO navigation structure in three parts that is the main parts, footer and the side part. Text links are methods of interlinking pages with single domain. They cannot contribute better search engine rankings but to make website friendlier they allow navigation system for site visitors.

On-Page SEO setting, hinglish adda, On-Page, Mansi


Internal Linking 
Linking using a website’s navigation content and other elements to develop logical and coherent structure. Emphasize keywords importance to rank your website.
Whether text or image in internal link of internal navigation creation in more precise and less conspicuous way.
It helps to push link value from your home page deeper into website that can translate an improved secondary, tertiary page.

It is used in combination or individual in your website in form of main, footer and site.
It helps to improve website rankings to contribute in a positive way not create problems and hindering potential ranking.

Main Navigation 
It allows users to navigate the website, since it navigate in lots of links related result content of website displayed so make sure navigation does not take keyword-specific optimization into your account.

Footer Navigation 
Traditionally saved links which is important but not conspicuous as main navigation. It often includes About Us, Content Us and similar pages.

Side Navigation 
Found on side of certain pages that helps to relieve the load off main navigation by unnecessary multiple nested dropdowns.

Text Link 
Internally linking pages with a single domain which can not only contribute to better searching but better ranking and making your website friendlier to users.

Link Destination Consistency 
A website’s linking structure in which a website carries a specific keyword target.

It is the important part of SEO in which upload an image in your blog/article in better way to but take small image not the heavy one which make your website heavy a take time to upload an article/blog, may users can leave your website due to long time taken by your website to open.

Image File Name 
Which help to identify image is about.

Image Alt Attribute 
It is designed to allow web to include description of image within the code.

Image Title Attribute 
It is a combination of Html and wording Html tag.

Page Title 
It is required of all HTML/XHTML documents and even a important part. It intended to provide accurate description of content and important part in improving user experience by including relevant keywords webmasters makes ranking of your website.

Meta Tags 
They are HTML element which provide make description about a page. It has specific function and used to provide search spiders information about content.

Meta Description 
It is designed to help explanation of web pages content and display a short or meta description as snippet of information containing on web page.

Heading & Sub Headings 
It helps your structure to organize and break it in smaller section. Tags are ranked from H1-H6 in size from bigger to smaller.

Text Emphasis – Bold (Strong) & Italic (em) 
It is used to draw the eye to important concepts, links or ideas of content in a web page.

Alt Attribute 
It is used to note all text information to render when the elements which are applied not available to rendered like missing video file.

Title Attribute 
Used to provide additional information about an HTML. The word will pops up when curser move on title tag. It impacts our website indirectly but it is also helpful as user be on website for a long time.

URL Structure 
It is used and abused by those trying to do SEO for long making it contribute to SEO requires adherence to important rules. Rules will not create problem but it will contribute positively to SEO. It includes
Short URL is better because it helps to avoid spam URL.
Avoid dynamic URL and use hyphens to separate words in URL only.
Must avoid more directories try to use fever/less directories because it’s better.
And your URL should be in a better or can say descriptive way.

On-Page Advantages, Hinglish Adda, Mansi, On-Page Setting

Advantages of using On-Page SEO

High ranking can be achieved through implementing SEO features in it like location in title of landing page, Google Map, Google location sitemaps, etc.
Ranking can be easily done in an organic way with a good page structure and clearly defined keywords. And link building can be a huge budget drawn every year.
Link building may get de-indexed that may cost a constant effort and hefty budget.
Easy to control and follow last updates of goods, save time.

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